I thought I would take a quick minute to update everyone on how things are going in our lives these days. There have been a lot of changes but for the most part all good!!
I finally moved into my first house!!! Well, first house I am buying that is. Which is really exciting and totally stressful at the same time. I never realized how much stuff that myself & the 2 little ones have until I started packing! I haven't finished unpacking everything because Friday (7/3) my older than dirt rusted out lovely water heater busted! Leaving 3 inches of water in my utility room & kitchen! Thank GOD that my cousin was watching my kids at the house & was able to contain the water so it didn't get past the kitchen! So, we call the insurance company. But guess who you can't get out to your house on the friday before a holiday weekend! Yep, you guessed the insurance company! So, we have been stuff at my moms apartment! Yes, apartment! A 3 month old (todayy!!), 3 adults and a very hyper, curious can't stand to be inside 18 month old in a 2 bedroom 2nd floor apartment! Thank God for the POOL!
Other our major house issue we've been pretty good! Brynlee is getting big, but still looks so tiny cause she's almost 24 inches long!! She's cooing and smiling so much. She rolling over from her stomach to her back & starting to reach for toys on her floor gym! Kolton is doing well! He loves the swimming pool and is no longer scared of it, which makes for one nerveous wreck mommy! But I am glad he is enjoying it and can't wait to get ours for the house!
Well that's it for this time! I hope to have internet when we get back to the house, I have lots of cute pictures to show you!
Lots of love till then,