Monday, January 16, 2012

Made with Love -P52 Week 2

*Made with Love*
{Kolton Lane & Brynlee Marie}

When someone mentions Love my first thought turns to these two!
I am so blessed to be called their Mom.
I love that they love each other so much, I know there will be a day that won't be as close as they are now, but no doubt they will always Love each other as much as they do now!

Monday, January 9, 2012

P52-Photography Challenge Week 1

I've thought long and hard about this first week's challenge: Resolution. Many thoughts came to mind: Quit Smoking, Work out More, Eat Healthier just to name a few. But I finally decided on this: Make this, my soon to be 1st Home Purchase, My Dream Home! Sounds simple enough huh? I have a feeling this house will be the source of lots of Blogging soon :-)

Head over to Life With My 3 Boybarians and take part in the P52 Photography Challenge. 1 Photo a Week for a Year. Next week's Challenge Theme: Made with Love

Easily Distracted

I'm so easily distracted! We have just been so busy and I haven't had a chance to upload my photo for the P52 Photography Challenge! So, while I work on that here is a fun picture from Kolton's 4th Birthday ;-)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

P52-Photography Challenge

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

A few days ago I posted I would take part in a Photography Challenge. Well tomorrow is the day to post Week 1's photo. I am so excited to take part of this challenge, as well as see all the photos from other Photographers.

Each week will have a theme, in which can be interpreted however you choose. Week 1 is Resolution. I'm still working on this one but have taken several photos. Guess you'll just have to wait and see which one I choose :) It's not to late for you to take part in the Challenge. Head over to Life with My 3 BoyBarians and check out all the details. You can click the link above.

See ya tomorrow :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Kolton Lane

Four Years Ago (yesterday, yes I know I am late with post but we were busy.)God chose me to be the mother of a beautiful handsome Baby boy! He changed my life forever, in just a matter of hours. I was 24 years old and newly single. I really had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, I was just having fun. On January 20, 2009 I got a call from a close friend's mother. That call forever changed my world and how I saw things.

Kolton's biological "mother" had tested positive for Meth during delivery, as well as Kolton. CPS immediately removed him from her care and he was sent home from the hospital a healthy thriving little boy. His Grandmother was named his primary caregiver for the time being, along with his 3 year old big brother, Cam. His Granny, as we call her, quickly realized she was unable to care for a newborn & a 3 year old. That's where I came in. After a quick phone call Granny was on her way to my house to discuss some things. I had no idea things were about to change forever.

After a lot of discussion with Granny, talks with My mom & sisters, and a lot of praying I decided I would become Kolton's primary caregiver. In a matter of minutes, I can became a mother to a 3 week old little boy. In a few short hours and a lot of help from Family & Friends. My little man had a complete nursery and closet full of clothes.

I truly believe God Chose Me to be his Mother and I am forever grateful for the confidence he had in me. I am more blessed than I could have ever imagined.

To My Amazing, Handsome, Often Stubborn Son,
As we get ready to Celebrate your 4th Birthday with Friends and Family on Saturday, I look back on the last 4 years and how you have made my life complete. I amazed Daily as you grow and continue to learn. I love how curious about life you are. I love that you are a Great Big Brother and that you are always Protecting & loving your sister, when you aren't driving her crazy. I love that you remember to say "Please and Thank you" most of the time. I love your imagination and that you love Trucks. You stole my heart from the moment I held you in my arms. I look forward to all the milestones you have ahead of you. I'll always be right there to hold your hand when are scared, kiss your boo-boo's when you get hurt and give you a little shove when you are nervous. Most of all I will love you with everything I have for as long as I live! Happy 4th Birthday Kolton Lane!