Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tax Season 2009--Finally Finished!

Well work right now is crazy, as I am sure you can imagine! It's Tax Season & people seem to wait to the last minute to get their tax information in. It's just amazing how some people are no where near organized with their stuff. Come on people...Tax season comes around every year, you know this! It's not like all the sudden the IRS says "hey, you have to file this year" You file every year, no matter what! People are literally bringing in boxes of reciepts and invoices along with their W2s & K1s and seem surprised when we tell them they have to file an extension request! SERIOUSLY?! You people make me laugh! So, at work, which is where I normally blog & facebook, I hardly have time to breathe!

So, aside from Tax Season, it's been a busy couple of weeks for me. 1st...I took over payments on my mom's house and have been moving my things & redecorating. I painted the master bedroom a real pretty Cozumel (kinda teal) and April Mist (real lite green). I think it looks really good. I got a brown and teal bedset with matching curtains. It looks like a completely different room. In the master bath, I am planning on a beach theme. I love seashells and sand things. So, I am going to probably paint it the same April Mist color and then frame out the top of the Mirror, which is huge btw, with fish netting w/ seashells in it. I think it will turn out cute.

Always a Bridesmaid, never a Bride...

Last week, I was asked to be in 2 weddings. My friend, Jessica & her boyfriend Cody, who is like a brother to me, asked me to be a the Maid of Honor in their wedding. Jessica also asked me to help plan the event, since she is on a strict budget. So, first things dress & bridesmaid dress. We went to David's Bridal and spent a little over 3 hours trying on dresses! I think she tried on 20 or so. Most of them looked really good. I think she narrowed her selection to 2 and is thinking about them. We found my dress, which will be Truffle with a Capri Blue Sash, very pretty!

Prior to going to David's Bridal with Jessica, I joined Kayla, her sister and Mom at Davids Bridal. Kayla had a good idea what dress she wanted and what dress she wanted us to wear. So we got right to it. Only to realize that the dress you think you want doesn't always turn out to be the one. So after 2 hours of trying on dresses, she finally said she found the one. I could tell by her face that isn't wasnt exactly the ONE! I mean she loved it but it just wasn't the one! So, she went on to Alfred Angelo, and I went home to spend some time with Kolton. Later, I got a text that said, "Sissy, I found the the the the the one!" I am happy for her but I have yet to see the dress :( Maybe, Ill see tonight.

Kolton has a play date with Kayla's nephew Jeriemah. While they are playing Kayla & I are going to scrapbook :) This is just the beginning of our busy weekend. Saturday morning I have to work because as I mentioned people bring the stuff in way late :( Then after work its off to Joe Ts for some yummy lunch with the ladies. It's going to be fun to all be together again. It's been a long time. Saturday night, I have a date with John. Not sure what we are doing but probably going to the Highlands for some PF Changs and bowling, I think! Then Sunday, I have to work till about 11 then off to Heather's Easter Egg Hunt.

It's gonna be a fun busy weekend!

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