Thursday, April 9, 2009

Slowly but Surely ♥

Miss Brynlee is my little fighter! She is doing so well considering everything she has been thru! They took her off of oxygen completely yesterday and she hasn't needed to go back on. They moved her feeding tube this morning from her mouth to her nose. Which is good cause my poor angel hated that thing in her mouth. After they moved it, she took 8cc from a bottle at 9am. Then at 12 my mom got her to take 15cc from a bottle! So, we are making down the road to recovery. All the nurses and doctors say she is doing wonderful and that we have to be patient with her cause she's had a rough start! They are predicting that Monday night I will do the room in and then my little angel will come home Tuesday. I'll keep ya posted! Please pray for us ♥

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